MFS Zoom Protocol

Below are the guidelines when attending MFS live Zoom meetings. We look forward to this next level of connecting with you.

  1. We want to know who is joining us. So please have your video camera on. Otherwise, please join the livestream on MFS Private Club Facebook group, which airs at the same time.
  2. Immediately mute yourself by clicking on the microphone icon. This way, the group does not hear any background noise from your home, typing on computer, etc. The moderator may mute you if your noise level is heard by everyone and is disruptive to the call.
  3. When you want to comment, indicate by raising your hand. There is a button to do this and the moderator will notice and ask you to proceed when it is time to do so. At that point, unmute yourself. Always make sure you are sitting in a quiet area, as background noise can be very distracting. Also, please speak in a calm and respectful manner. When finished speaking, please mute yourself again. You may also type your comments and questions on the “chat” section.
  4. The calls are about 1-2 hours long. They are designed for MFS Private Club members to discuss their individual MFS journeys, support each other, ask questions, share insights and testimonials, etc. Unfortunately, there is not enough time to go deep into individual issues on the call. We are a large group from all around the world and some are staying up late to be on the call. Please ask a few question at a time in order to allow time for everyone to share their experience. If you require an additional time, it would be best schedule a consultation with Master Lui-Gino Di Serio to discuss your particular needs (see #6 below).
  5. For best lighting and camera angle on Zoom calls, we found this video helpful.
  6. Some Zoom calls will be dedicated to interviewing MFS members, who will be sharing their MFS journey with us so we can all learn. You may ask the guest questions at the end of the interview. You may also type your comments and questions on the “chat” section during the interview.
  7. For consultation with Master Lui-Gino Di Serio, please click here MFS Specialist Protocol Guidance.
  8. If you missed the call, you can catch the replay on MFS Private Club Facebook group, MFS Odysee channel or MFS YouTube channel.
  9. Please avoid postings non-MFS products on the call. The MFS does not have proof of product it does not own or sell and does not want to be liable as the video will be on the Internet. The product may be posted on the Facebook group, if approved by an admin.

NEW-Meeting Details:

Friday Live at 8:01 a.m. E.S.T. (morning)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 824 5187 0856

Passcode: 849313

Wednesday Live at 3:06 E.S.T.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 876 6823 7201

Passcode: 853666

Downloading the Zoom Application:

All information and/or usage of Master Fast System (MFS) including, but not limited to, logos, names, protocols, products, tools, concepts, and/or ideas are protected under MFS intellectual property rights: Copyright© & Trademark™. All rights reserved with prejudice.